Nucleoelectrica Argentina Presented Its Second Report To The United Nations Global Compact
For the second year, Nucleoeléctrica Argentina presented its Communication on Progress in compliance with the Principles of the Global Compact of the United Nations Organization.
Monday 6 June 2022
In this way, the company reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability and published the report in which it informs its stakeholders of the performance it had during the 2020-2021 period. This report was prepared based on the strategies established for the financial, operational, safety, environmental, labour, social, human development, intellectual, and governance areas.
The document was prepared under the "Integrated Report" model in accordance with GRI standards that represent the best practices at a global level to publicly report the economic, environmental and social impacts of an organization.
This report underwent a self-assessment process on the United Nations Global Compact platform, the result of which was classified as "advanced level", the highest standard that can be obtained.
In line with the principles of the Global Compact, the company is committed to the safe operation of the plants and with the objective of supplying the Argentine Interconnection System with electrical energy of nuclear origin, in a safe, clean, efficient and competitive manner. The company is also committed to develop new nuclear projects that ensure the sustainability of the company over time and contribute to national development.
Nucleoeléctrica Argentina presents its integrated report since 2019 to inform about the progress of the work carried out in each of the guidelines of the Global Compact.
The United Nations Global Compact was launched in the year 2000 and its main purpose is to join companies with the United Nations agencies, the civil society and governments, to promote the Global Compact Principles and install them in the business activities around the world.
The integrated reports of Nucleoeléctrica Argentina can be viewed on its website